Evaluation: Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Originally, we had agreed on having our media product distributed by Lions Gate only to find out after our production was complete that Lions Gate, in fact, doesn’t distribute independent films, which became a problem for us, as our media product cannot cooperate with a company dissimilar to our standards. Though on July 26 2007, the company bought a partial stake in independent film distribution company Roadside Attractions, we believe that Momentum would be more likely to distribute our film as they have already distributed numerous independent films.

Additionally, The Woman in Black being one of Momentum’s most successful distributed film, can we relate our media product with their case. Our film covers similar genres to those focused in The Woman in Black, and also being produced as an independent film we think that having Momentum also distribute our film is more likely than in comparison with other companies such as Alliance Films.

posting other two tomorrow 8:15am

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