Production Company Logo: Testing

On Premiere Pro we decided to test ideas for our production company logo. We had the idea that we wanted a black blood spattered background with the writing on top. This was done by adding a background and then adding a texture to the background and adding the chosen image.

Creating the new title for our production company logo
Making the name of the new title the same as our production company 
We first tried using a black font, but realised it wasn't that effective or scary as white would be. Also white has a greater symbolism within possession film.

So once we had realised this we tested several different fonts, deciding against the first one all together as it was too western styled. However, the other two fonts worked well, as the looked sharp and stood out against the background. The white symbolising innocence, youth and virginity; contrasting greatly against the dark themes of the background, just as the film itself does.

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