Filming: Preparation

Before filming we had to create our props so that the miss-en-scene was perfect.

Firstly we created our fake newspaper covers, deciding on the headlines to have and what they should look like, because we needed the papers to look realistic.

John and I then created our fake newspaper using the website and then suck them on old newspapers; we had three different newspaper covers.

We then smeared the papers in fake blood making some of them look like a bloodied hand had been dragged down the page.
Rebecca then decided to make the Devil's trap and demon sigil, which she painted separately on two different pieces of A2 paper. Painting them in red paint and then going over them in fake blood and hanging them up so the blood would drip. We found this method highly effective and it played on the feeling of the film.

We then stuck these pieces of paper onto my bedroom wall so that it would look like they were painted onto a wall. This worked very well.
I then scanned some of my family photos and printed them off, creating multiple copies, so we could do multiple shots at different angles while burning them.

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