To ensure we would be successful in our final project we had to do a preliminary task to ensure we would know all the basic rules of creating a media production. During the preliminary task we learnt many different camera shots and camera movements, learning what match on action was and how to apply it. Learning about continuity and shot reverse shot - the 180 degrees rule - and then applying it to our preliminary test, this was something we found quite easy and it worked quite successfully in our preliminary task.
We also learnt crucial knowledge on editing. For our preliminary task we edited on iMovie and in our final project we progressed to the more professional Premiere Pro. However the skill we learnt on iMove we could transfer across , like use of transitions, titles, sound and continuity.
Camera shots :
We found one of the most successful shots we filmed was the
close up of the bloodied newspapers, we think this because it tells a previous
story and foreshadows the future plot in just one shot, creating tension.
Also with the cameras we evolved from the cameras on iPads to a Canon Legria HD camera and tripod, progressing from shaky poor quality footage to semi-professional footage.
While doing the preliminary task we also learnt how to
plan everything properly and how to show sufficient evidence of our planning,
so story boarding, pen portraits, doing screen shots of our work and posting it
as evidence - we used all of the planning ideas and evidence posting for our
final project, so we would work efficiently and well.
Team Work:
Also from doing
the preliminary task we learnt how to work efficiently in a team, sharing our
ideas and helping others to evolve there ideas which is what we did to come up
with the plot for our final project, I came up with the idea of a demon possession,
Agne added the fact it should be a girl who gets possessed and John adding in
about we could used subliminal messages to get across that she was possessed we
used this and our final project came out good and effective as a teen horror
movie. Sticking to our original plot almost flawlessly, we only excluded the
eyes turning black, due to an after effects error.
We as a group believe what we learnt most from our
preliminary task and what we most progressed from is our editing, we say this
because compared, there is a clear difference between our preliminary task and
final project. Our final project being up to a higher standard, with more
effects in it, colour balancing, sound editing, transitions, ect. There is also
more clear and precise footage that fits better together, but you can see how
the preliminary task has progressed to be our final piece and how what we
learnt while doing our preliminary task was applied to our final project.