My First Edit!

I never worked with iMovie until now. I'm very used to similar softwares (e.g. Final Cut Pro) and I think it was easy for me to use iMovie since both programs that I worked with are made and owned by the same company, so they're bound to have similar layout and features.

One thing I slightly struggled with was the timeline. Its completely different to what I have experienced and I don't find it very comfortable using it because you can do very little effects on there and there's no guidelines like the time. Without this feature, I can't make my clips very precise. I also can't see the audio visualised but instead just the green bars with the titles and the only way I can track the sound is by hovering over with the mouse and listening to it instead of using the sound waves. It would help me if I'm working with a track that has a steady beat and I want to edit to the rhythm.

Alternatively, I like how iMovie offers its own sound effects. Thee's a huge variety of high-quality files, which you can use to edit, and I believe its great because I'm not needed to go off and look for sound files to download, and even if I do, some might come out with bad quality or in an incorrect format.

I decided to edit in some sound effects to keep my work interesting and not plain boring e.g. background music to replace (or mute) the surrounding noise. I also replaced some sound effects even if we had the sound recorded in the video because I wanted a clean sound effect rather than the sound effect with the background noise - it just would not fit.

On the downside, I didn't edit the dialogue well because it went too quickly, meaning the audience doesn't catch the joke, which is the main subject of the video. I could've slowed down the clips to give longer pauses between the sentences because the raw clips originally had very fast dialogue, and I think that's why I couldn't get the timing right.

I found the clipping very easy where you just drag the edges of the clips to shorten or extend them. I think I really got the hang of this and it will come in very handy for me in the future so I don't end up with unecessary time on clips that go on for too long or unneeded action, or too short clips where the viewer doesn't get enough time to process all the information before the video moves onto the next frame.

I managed to use a transition for effect, which is the first clip fading in from black. But unfortunately this was added after I uploaded this work.

I think to improve I should've added some introduction text because when the audience watch the video, they've not a clue what the video's going to be about. Say I was to include 'Dr. Interrupt.' at the start, audience might get a bit of a clue or a brief idea of what is coming up next.

I decided to include credits in the end with black background and white text rolling from the bottom of the screen upwards.

Overall, I think iMovie is a very easy and simple software to use to quickly edit, export and share a video.

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